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Australian Journal of Primary Health Australian Journal of Primary Health Society
The issues influencing community health services and primary health care

Health and the New World Order: An International Conference in South Africa and its Implications for Australia

Fran Baum and Paul Butler

Australian Journal of Primary Health 3(3) 7 - 13
Published: 1997


In January 1997, 400 delegates from more than 20 countries gathered in Cape Town at an International Conference focusing on the impact of the new world economic order on health and health care. The themes of the conference were: (i) challenges facing Primary Health Care (ii) Health for All - innovative local programs and global strategies (iii) The Global Crisis - economic structural adjustment programs and environmental destruction, and (iv) the World Bank - 'Investing in Health' or prescription for under-development? In this paper some of the proceedings and outcomes from the Conference are described and some of the implications for Australia discussed. The issues include wealth and racism as major public health issues in Australia; Australian Aid funding; how to maintain the principles of primary health care; and the importance of global progressive networks in an era of multi-national companies.

© La Trobe University 1997

Committee on Publication Ethics

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