Telemonitoring for health education and self-management in South Western Sydney
Josephine Sau Fan Chow
A South Western Sydney Local Health District, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
B Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research, Liverpool, NSW, Australia.
C University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
D University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
E Western Sydney University, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
Australian Journal of Primary Health 29(5) 490-500
Submitted: 21 March 2022 Accepted: 12 February 2023 Published: 14 March 2023
© 2023 The Author(s) (or their employer(s)). Published by CSIRO Publishing on behalf of La Trobe University
Background: Telemonitoring (TM) plays an important role in the self-management of chronic diseases. This study aimed to assess the feasibility of TM in early stages of chronic care for self-management and recognition of signs and symptoms of exacerbation, with a view to completing the TM program in an optimal timeframe to encourage independence and self-management.
Methods: This study was conducted from 2019 to 2020. Included in the study were patients with chronic conditions at an early stage of their disease residing in the South Western Sydney region. Eligible patients were allocated a TM device for 6 months. Their routine tests data were sent in real time to health care professionals. Following assessment by a TM coordinator, suitable patients were off-boarded (deactivation of monitoring device) after 6 months. Data on hospitalisation/emergency department presentation and surveys were collected to assess the impact of TM on the level of the patient’s understanding of their signs and symptoms of exacerbation, self-care, and quality of life.
Results: Out of 44 patients approached, seven were off-boarded at the 6-month timeframe. The follow-up data on the hospitalisation/emergency department presentation during monitoring and 12 months post off-boarding showed a reduction in the frequency of hospitalisation/nil admissions. Patients reported an increased understanding of their health condition and confidence in managing their own health with the support of TM.
Conclusion: The result demonstrates the feasibility of TM as a tool for health education and self-management in the coordination of care for chronic disease patients; however, the small sample size was a limitation.
Keywords: chronic diseases, community nursing, hospitalisation, model of care, off-boarded, self-management, telemonitoring, virtual care.
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