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Australian Journal of Primary Health Australian Journal of Primary Health Society
The issues influencing community health services and primary health care

"Dental as Anything" Inner South Community Health Service Dental Outreach to People with a Mental Illness

Anna Burchell, Sabin Fernbacher, Robert Lewis and Andrew Neil

Australian Journal of Primary Health 12(2) 75 - 82
Published: 2006


This article provides an overview of a unique way to respond to the complex oral health needs of people with a mental illness. People with a psychiatric disability, especially those of low income and insecure housing, are at high risk of developing oral disease, due to issues associated with mental illness, poverty and the side-effects of psychotropic medication. The 'Dental as Anything' program is a collaborative partnership between the mental health, dental and administration teams of the Inner South Community Health Service (ISCHS) in Melbourne. It provides a flexible program incorporating engagement, clinical care, education and support in response to client needs. Utilising a health promotion framework and an assertive outreach model, it accesses people who traditionally do not approach mainstream services. The program manages to "reach the unreachable".

© La Trobe University 2006

Committee on Publication Ethics

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