PVv2017n188Preview number 188/Contents pp. 1-48 PVv2017n188PDF (12.2 MB) 1 1 Total citation 0 Recent citations 0.11 Field Citation Ratio n/a Relative Citation Ratio
PVv2017n188ASEGnewsASEG news: President’s piece/New Members/Table of officeholders/Executive brief: 2017 AGM; April Planning Meeting; Meet your new Federal Executive/Committees: ASEG Research Foundation; ASEG Young Professional Network; ASEG Technical Standards Committee/Branch news/ASEG national calendar/ASEG Gold Medal awarded to Richard Lane pp. 3-16 PVv2017n188ASEGnewsPDF (2.9 MB)
PVv2017n188newsp17Conferences and events: AEGC 2018: Update from the Conference Organising Committee pp. 17-17 PVv2017n188newsp17PDF (476 KB) 2 2 Total citations 0 Recent citations 0.23 Field Citation Ratio n/a Relative Citation Ratio
PVv2017n188newsp18Industry: Changing of the guard at GGSSA pp. 18-18 PVv2017n188newsp18PDF (458 KB) 2 2 Total citations 0 Recent citations 0.23 Field Citation Ratio n/a Relative Citation Ratio
PVv2017n188newsp19Geophysics in the Surveys: GA: Update on geophysical survey progress/GSSA: The PACE Copper Coompana gravity survey/GSQ: New geophysical data sets available for north-west Queensland/GSV: Victorian Gas Program and ground gravity data for the Stavely Project pp. 19-25 PVv2017n188newsp19PDF (2 MB)
PVv2017n188newsp26Canberra observed: Budget 2017: masterly politics, questionable economics/21 areas identified in petroleum exploration acreage release/New CEO for Geoscience Australia David Denham pp. 26-28 PVv2017n188newsp26PDF (398 KB)
PVv2017n188p29Education matters: Professional development is the ASEG Continuing Education Committee’s highest priority/SEG 2017 Distinguished Instructor Short Course: Doug Oldenburg Michael Asten and Emma Brand pp. 29-30 PVv2017n188p29PDF (234 KB)
PVv2017n188p31Environmental geophysics: Mapping water movement through agricultural landscapes Mike Hatch pp. 31-32 PVv2017n188p31PDF (486 KB)
PVv2017n188p33Minerals geophysics: Championing old data Terry Harvey pp. 33-33 PVv2017n188p33PDF (189 KB)
PVv2017n188p34Seismic window: Pricing, gas, oil and governments Michael Micenko pp. 34-35 PVv2017n188p34PDF (195 KB)
PVv2017n188p35Webwaves: Continuing work on the ASEG website Dave Annetts pp. 35-35 PVv2017n188p35PDF (120 KB) 1 1 Total citation 0 Recent citations 0.11 Field Citation Ratio n/a Relative Citation Ratio
PVv2017n188p37Conductivities of Broken Hill style lead ores Don Emerson pp. 37-40 PVv2017n188p37PDF (404 KB)
PVv2017n188p41How Bernie Milton helped Hugh Rutter with the discovery of Olympic Dam David Isles pp. 41-44 PVv2017n188p41PDF (1 MB)
PVv2017n188p48International calendar of events pp. 48-48 PVv2017n188p48PDF (107 KB) 1 1 Total citation 0 Recent citations 0.11 Field Citation Ratio n/a Relative Citation Ratio