Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 18 Number 6 1965
PH650521A Theoretical Analysis of the Townsend–Huxley Swarm Technique for Electrons
CA Hurst and BS Liley
pp. 521-540
PH650541 The Diffusion and Attachment of Electrons in Water Vapour
RW Crompton, JA Rees and RL Jory
pp. 541-552
PH650553Charged Particle Motion in a Time?Dependent Axially Symmetric Magnetic Field
PW Seymour, RB Leipnik and AF Nicholson
pp. 553-566
PH650567The Lunar Magnetic Variations at Toolangi
HF Petersons, DE Winch and L Slaucitajs
pp. 567-578
PH650589A Study of the Decimetric Emission and Polarization of Centaurus A
BFC Cooper, RM Price and DJ Cole
pp. 590-626
PH650627Identification of Extragalactic Radio Sources Between Declinations ?20° and ?44°
JG Bolton, Margaret E Clarke and RD Ekers
pp. 627-634
PH650635A Linear Polarization Survey of the Southern Sky at 408 MC/S
DS Mathewson and DK Milne
pp. 635-654
PH650655Effect of Gravitation in the Origin of Cosmic Particles
MC Durgapal and GL Gehlot
pp. 655-660
PH650661The 16O(g, p0)15N Cross Section Between 14 and 16 MeV
RJJ Stewart, PH Cannington and BM Spicer
pp. 661-664