Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 18 Number 5 1965
PH650409Precision Measurements of the Townsend Energy Ratio for Electron Swarms in Highly Uniform Electric Fields
RW Crompton, MT Elford and J Gascoigne
pp. 409-436
PH650451The Upper Limiting Primary Rigidity of the Cosmic Ray Solar Anisotropy
RM Jacklyn and JE Humble
pp. 451-472
PH650473Harmonic Structure and Band Splitting of Type II Solar Radio Bursts
M Krishnamurthi, G Sivarama Sastry and T Seshagiri Rao
pp. 473-478
PH650491Angular Distributions in the Reactions 11B(d, p)12B and 11B(d, a)9Be
DG Sargood and GD Putt
pp. 491-496