Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 11 Number 1 1958
PH580018The Townsend Ionization Coefficients in Crossed Electric and Magnetic Fields
HA Blevin and SC Haydon
pp. 18-34
PH580035High Resolution Cinematography of the Solar Photosphere
RE Loughhead and VR Burgess
pp. 35-40
PH580055Further Observations of Radio Emission from the Planet Jupiter
FF Gardner and CA Shain
pp. 55-69
PH580130The Distribution of Flare Heights as Derived from Limb Flares
RG Giovanelli and Marie K McCabe
pp. 130-134
PH580135Decay Time of the Luminescence of a Zinc Sulphide Neutron Detector for Neutron and g-Ray Excitation
GM Bailey and JR Prescott
pp. 135-138