Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 10 Number 4 1957
PH570454Lattice Thermal Conductivity of Some Copper Alloys
WRG Kemp, PG Klemens and RJ Tainsh
pp. 454-461
PH570483The Association of Solar Radio Bursts of Spectral Type III with Chromospheric Flares
RE Loughhead, JA Roberts and Marie K McCabe
pp. 483-490
PH570491The Distribution of Radio Brightness Over the Solar Disk at a Wavelength of 21 Centimetres. IV. The Slowly Varying Component
WN Christiansen, JA Warburton and RD Davies
pp. 491-514
PH570547The Effect of Remanent Magnetization on Aeromagnetic Interpretation
DJ Sutton and WG Mumme
pp. 547-557
PH570588Latitude Variations of Frequency of Occurrence of "Spread-F" Satellite Traces
RWE McNicol and GG Bowman
pp. 588-590
PH570590The Theoretical Evaluation of the Townsend Coefficient a/p For Hydrogen
HA Blevin and SC Haydon
pp. 590-594