Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 30 Numbers 5 & 6 1977
PH770577Photoproduction of Pion Pairs at Moderate Energies
T Chandramohan, K Venkatesan and P Achuthan
pp. 577-590
PH770605 Resonant Neutron Capture in 45Sc Below 100 keV
MJ Kenny, BJ Allen and RL Macklin
pp. 605-616
PH770617Channelling of MeV H and He Ions in Alkali Halides at 'Zero Dose' Measurements
PB Price and JC Kelly
pp. 617-630
PH770631Theory of Melting: Thermodynamic Basis of Lindemann's Law
FD Stacey and RD Irvine
pp. 631-640
PH770647 Mode Coupling in the Solar Corona. IV. Magnetohydrodynamic Waves
DB Melrose and MA Simpson
pp. 647-660
PH770677The Photoneutron Cross Section of Natural Osmium
Su Su, RH Sambell, EG Muirhead and BM Spicer
pp. 677-680