Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 30 Number 3 1977
PH770287The Optical Model and Proton Elastic Scattering from 14N and 16O
A Gabric and K Amos
pp. 287-302
PH770303The Effect of Inelastic Collisions on Diffusion Coefficients for Electron Swarms
JLA Francey and DA Jones
pp. 303-314
PH770335The Effect of Plate Oscillations on Horizontal Free Convection Flow
RL Verma and Punyatma Singh
pp. 335-346
PH770347Surface Waves in Viscoelastic Media Under the Influence of Gravity
S Bhattacharyya and SN De
pp. 347-354
PH770355Energy Dependence of the Dip in pp Elastic Scattering and the Pomeron Periphery
Mujahid Kamran and Mohammad Saleem
pp. 355-360
PH770361Nuclear Structure of 12C from an a-particle Model
SN Banerjee and SN Chakrabarti
pp. 361-364