Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 25 Number 4 1972
PH720349On the Non-invariance of Distributions of Reaction Matrix Parameters Under Changes in Boundary Conditions
WK Bertram and JL Cook
pp. 349-360
PH720361Transformation of Bremsstrahlung Photoneutron Data to Data Corresponding to Monochromatic Gamma Excitation
HH Thies, RF Barrett, F Lee, R Kooh, DM Crawford and BW Thomas
pp. 361-366
PH720367Physical Theory of Fluid Interfaces Near the Critical Point
KW Sarkies, P Richmond and BW Ninham
pp. 367-386
PH720429The Absorption by the Interstellar Medium of 80 MHz Radio Emission from Galactic Supernova Remnants
GA Dulk and OB Slee
pp. 429-442
PH720451Improved Positions and Some Identifications for 108 Radio Sources Between Declinations ?33° and +27°
Jeannette K Merkelijn
pp. 451-460
PH720461Australian East?West Baseline Interferometer Observations at 2·3 GHz
JS Gubbay, AJ Legg and DS Robertson
pp. 461-464