Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 22 Number 1 1969
PH690013Investigation of the Plasma Produced by a Normal Ionizing Shock Wave Using Polychromator Techniques
MH Brennan, J Fletcher, R Morrow and WD Westwood
pp. 13-22
PH690023Shock Development in an Electrothermal Shock Tube
B Campbell, DW George and HK Messerle
pp. 23-42
PH690079The Linear Polarization of Radio Sources Between 11 and 20 cm Wavelength. I. Observations
FF Gardner, D Morris and JB Whiteoak
pp. 79-106
PH690121A Low Latitude Survey from lII = 27° to 38° at 1410 and 2650 MHz
M Beard and FJ Kerr
pp. 121-126
PH690127Sudden Increases in Cosmic Ray Intensity
R Anda, B Aparicio, LV Sud and M Zubieta
pp. 127-130
PH690131An Analysis of Total Gamma Ray Cross Sections in the Energy Region from 40 to 80 keV in Cu, Sn, W, and Pb
M Raja Rao and K Parthasaradhi
pp. 131-132