Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 21 Number 5 1968
PI Brooker and HS Green
pp. 543-562
PH680571The Interaction Energy of an Ion Pair with Overlapping Hydration Shells. I. A Truncated Spheres Model
DK Ross and S Levine
pp. 571-586
PH680609The Formal Nonequilibrium Theory of Partially Ionized and/or Nonuniform Gas Mixtures
EL Bydder and BS Liley
pp. 609-636
PH680637Electron Drift and Diffusion in Parahydrogen at 77°K
RW Crompton and AI McIntosh
pp. 637-648
PH680649Directional Correlations of Gamma Rays in the Decay of 36 hr 82Br
SL Gupta and MM Bajaj
pp. 649-660
PH680681Propagation of Shock Waves in a Polytrope with a Poloidal Magnetic Field
Narendra K Sinha
pp. 681-694
PH680715Observations of Cen XR?2, SCO XR?1, and Terrestrial X-Rays
JR Harries and RJ Francey
pp. 715-724
PH680725Optical and Radio Observations of the Flare Star UV Ceti in Australasia During September?October 1967
CS Higgins, LH Solomon and FM Bateson
pp. 725-734