Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 21 Number 4 1968
FC Barker and BM Fitzpatrick
pp. 415-422
PH680423The Behaviour of DWBA Stripping Amplitudes near the Butler Pole
M Andrews, WK Bertram and LJ Tassie
pp. 423-430
PH680431Variational Calculations for Three?Body S?States with Coulomb Interactions
LM Delves and T Kalotas
pp. 431-438
PH680475The Distribution of Linear Polarization over 13 Extended Sources at 21·2 cm Wavelength
D Morris and JB Whiteoak
pp. 475-492
PH680493Observations of the Linear Polarization of Radio Sources at 6 cm Wavelength
D Morris and JB Whiteoak
pp. 493-500
PH680511Radio Sources in Clusters of Galaxies
BY Mills, RR Shobbrook and D Stewart-Richardson
pp. 511-522
PH680523Accurate Positions and Some Optical Identifications for 67 Radio Sources Between Declinations +20° and +27°
Jeannette K Merkelijn, AJ Shimmins and JG Bolton
pp. 523-538
PH680539Observations of 11 Radio Sources Near 55 MHz
RF Haynes, PA Hamilton and PM McCulloch
pp. 539-542