Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 41 Number 5 1988
PH880633Renormalisation of g-boson Effects in an s-d-g Boson Model
K Amos, XJ Chen, AEL Dieperink and I Morrison
pp. 633-680
PH880681Excitation of Swift Heavy Ions in Foil Targets. IV. Preequilibrium Energy Losses and Mean Charge States
LB Bridwell, HJ Hay, LF Pender, CJ Sofield and PB Treacy
pp. 681-692
PH880693Electron Impact Ionisation of the Ground State of He+
KK Mukherjee, PS Mazumdar and S Brajamani
pp. 693-700
PH880719Accuracy in Temperature Factor Determination in Powder Diffractometry
G Kimmel and WN Schreiner
pp. 719-728