Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 41 Number 3 1988
PH880403Accurate Measurement of Powder Diffraction Intensities Using Synchrotron Radiation
W Parrish and M Hart
pp. 403-412
PH880423Redetermination of Absolute Structure Factors for Silicon at Room and Liquid Nitrogen Temperatures
S Cummings and M Hart
pp. 423-432
PH880433Accurate Determination of Structure Factors by Pendellosung Methods Using White Radiation
T Takama and S Sato
pp. 433-448
PH880449Non-systematic Three-beam Effects in Dynamical Electron Diffraction and Their Use in Determination of Amplitude and Phase of Structure Factors
K Marthinsen, H Matsuhata, R Hfier and J Gjfnnes
pp. 449-460
PH880469Simple Method for Estimating the Contribution of Neighbouring n-beam Interactions to Two-beam Structure Factors
HJ Juretschke and HK Wagenfeld
pp. 469-476