Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 39 Number 5 1986
PH860633Auger Electron?Ion Coincidence Studies to Determine the Pathways in Soft X-ray Induced Fragmentation of Isolated Molecules
W Eberhardt, EW Plummer, In Whan Lyo, R Reininger, R Carr, WK Ford and D Sondericker
pp. 633-648
PH860679Relativistic Effects in the Photoionisation of Heavy Atoms: Cooper Minima
Pranawa C Deshmukh, BR Tambe and Steven T Manson
pp. 679-686
PH860687Recent Progress in a Green's Function Method for the Calculation of Ionisation Spectra
W von Niessen, P Tomasello, J Schirmer and LS Cederbaum
pp. 687-710
PH860711Full CI Extrapolation: Application to H2O with a Double Zeta Basis Set
PD Gray and PG Burton
pp. 711-716
PH860717X-ray Emission Spectra of Some Carbon-containing Molecules
RA Phillips and FP Larkins
pp. 717-730
PH860731The Analysis and Understanding of Ionisation Phenomena: Ab initio Molecular Wavefunctions
Paul S Bagus, Constance J Nelin and Klaus Hermann
pp. 731-748
PH860749A Numerical Variational Method for Calculating Accurate Vibrational Energy Separations of Small Molecules and Their Ions
G Doherty, MJ Hamilton, PG Burton and EI von Nagy-Felsobuki
pp. 749-760
PH860761Dynamics of Single and Multi-photon Ionisation Processes in Molecules
V McKoy, SN Dixit, RL Dubs and DL Lynch
pp. 761-778
PH860779Photoionisation Cross Sections of Chlorine Atoms and Molecules at 584 Å
WJ van der Meer, RJ Butselaar and CA de Lange
pp. 779-788
PH860789Photoelectron Spectroscopy using Pulsed Free Jets
Frank Carnovale, J Barrie Peel and Richard G Rothwell
pp. 789-798
PH860799Photoionisation of Unusual States of Matter: Atomic Ions, Excited States and Open-shell Atoms
Steven T Manson and Samir K Bhattacharya
pp. 799-808
PH860829Some Recent Developments in Atomic Lifetime Determinations
P Hannaford and RM Lowe
pp. 829-844
PH860853Deexcitation Electron Spectroscopy: A Probe for the Localisation of Valence Wavefunctions in Free and Adsorbed Molecules
W Eberhardt, EW Plummer, CT Chen and WK Ford
pp. 853-870