Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 37 Number 5 1984
W Bauhoff and I Morrison
pp. 463-474
PH840475L-subshell X-ray Production by 100?250 keV/a.m.u. Ions
MF Harrigan, BM Spicer and DD Cohen
pp. 475-486
PH840521The Steady Currents Driven in a Conducting Sphere Placed in a Rotating Magnetic Field
WN Hugrass and HA Kirolous
pp. 521-530
PH840531Horizontal Wave Number Dependence of Type II Solutions in Rayleigh?Benard Convection with Hexagonal Planform
JM Lopez and JO Murphy
pp. 531-548
PH840549The Electrical Resistance of the Lower Consolute System 2,6-Lutidine?Water
AF Collings, N Bajenov and BD Inglis
pp. 549-560
PH840567An Absolute Measurement of Cherenkov Emission by Relativistic Muons in Pure Water
AM Bakich, LS Peak and NT Wearne
pp. 567-574
PH840575Derivation of Muon Intensities in Sea-water Depths up to 1400 M.W.E. from a Recent Primary Cosmic Ray Spectrum
DP Bhattacharyya, Pratibha Pal and A Mukhopadhyay
pp. 575-582