Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 35 Number 4 1982
AO Barut and AJ Bracken
pp. 353-370
PH820371Recoil-distance Lifetime Measurements of 47SC Levels
H Ohnuma, PB Foot, T Aoki, CG Ryan and HH Bolotin
pp. 371-376
PH820385Relative Yields of Stable Tellurium Isotopes in Neutron-induced Fission
JR de Laeter, KJR Rosman and JW Boldeman
pp. 385-392
PH820393Electron?Hydrogen Elastic Scattering at Intermediate and High Energies
JN Das, AK Biswas and N Saha
pp. 393-400
PH820415The Anharmonic Temperature Factor for Crystals with the Hexagonal Wurtzite Structure and Its Inclusion in Models for Least-squares Refinement of Intensity Data
A Fakineos, AW Stevenson and Z Barnea
pp. 415-424
PH820441Dependence on Declination of the Intensity of Cosmic Ray Showers with Primary Energies of about 1016 eV
RW Clay and PR Gerhardy
pp. 441-446
PH820447The Loss-cone Driven Electron-cyclotron Maser
RG Hewitt, DB Melrose and KG Rönnmark
pp. 447-472