Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 35 Number 1 1982
PH820009Excitation of the 9·50 MeV (9/2+) State of 13C in Intermediate Energy Scattering Experiments
L Rickus, SF Collins, KA Amos, BM Spicer, GG Shute, WP Jones, VC Officer, R Smith, DW Dennis, DL Friesel and I Morrison
pp. 9-16
PH820035Scattering Cross Sections in Argon from Electron Transport Parameters
GN Haddad and TF O'Malley
pp. 35-40
PH820059Sea Level Measurements of Properties of Cosmic Ray Showers with Sizes Ranging from 2 x 105 to 107 Particles
RW Clay and PR Gerhardy
pp. 59-66
PH820105The ratio of the lateral diffusion coefficient to mobility for electrons in argon at 294 K
HB Milloy and RW Crompton
pp. 105-106