Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 33 Number 6 1980
PH800951Colour?Spin Matrix Elements for Multiquark Systems
RP Bickerstaff and BG Wybourne
pp. 951-964
PH800985Temperature Dependence of the Diffusion Coefficient for Thermal Electrons in Carbon Dioxide over the Range 296–468 K
R Hegerberg, MT Elford and RW Crompton
pp. 985-988
PH800989The Diffusion Coefficient for Thermal Electrons in Mercury Vapour at 470 K
R Hegerberg and RW Crompton
pp. 989-1000
PH801001The Effects of Preionization Level on a ?Stabilized? Z-pinch
C Silawatshananai, FSB Anderson, MH Brennan, G Durance, IR Jones, EL Murray and J Tendys
pp. 1001-1016
PH801033Techniques and Convergence Properties of EFG Lattice Summations
WA Barton and JD Cashion
pp. 1033-1048