Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 33 Number 1 1980
PH800001Analysis of the (p,2p) Reaction in an Asymmetric Energy-sharing Mode
R Smith, I Morrison and K Amos
pp. 1-24
PH800073Stress Enhancement of the G Line of Singly Ionized Zinc in Germanium
KJ Duff, P Fisher and NR Butler
pp. 73-90
PH800107The Haus-Tanaka Model for the Ice VII-Ice VIII Phase Transition
J Ho-Ting-Hun and J Oitmaa
pp. 107-114
PH800139Galactic Plane H2O Masers: A Southern Survey
RA Batchelor, JL Caswell, WM Goss, RF Haynes, SH Knowles and KJ Wellington
pp. 139-158