Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 48 Number 1 1995
PH950071The Elastic Scattering of 20 eV Electrons from Magnesium
MJ Brunger, RK Houghton and PJO Teubner
pp. 71-78
PH950079A Fibre Optic Sensor for High-velocity Measurements of Projectiles Driven by Hot Gases
Frank Di Marzio, Jakub Szajman and Alex Mazzolini
pp. 79-88
PH950103X-ray Phase-contrast Imaging Study of Voids and Fibres in a Polymer Matrix
Dachao Gao, Timothy J Davis and Stephen W Wilkins
pp. 103-112
PH950113Adaptive Deconvolution of Astronomical Radio Images
Lawrence Cram and Taisheng Ye
pp. 113-124
PH950125Thermonuclear Reaction Rates for Reactions Leading to N = 28 Nuclei
A.J Morton and DG Sargood
pp. 125-142