Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 43 Number 1 1990
PH900027A Monte Carlo Investigation of E x B Discharges in Molecular Nitrogen
Michael J Brennan, Andrew M Garvie and Lesley J Kelly
pp. 27-44
PH900065Characteristics of the Solitary Waves in Multicomponent Plasmas
GC Das and B Karmakar
pp. 65-76
PH900077Correction of X-ray Intensities for Multiple Diffraction: Effects on Atomic Parameters and Charge Density
Bjfrn C Hauback, Frode Mo and Gunnar Thorkildsen
pp. 77-92
PH900093Thermal Expansion of InBi at Low Temperatures
GK White, JG Collins and JE Schirber
pp. 93-98
PH900107Predictability of the 12-month Running Averaged Sunspot Number in the Presence of an 8-month Quasi-periodicity on a Solar Cycle
PK Pasricha, S Aggarwal, BM Reddy, V Baskakov and OP Kolomitsev
pp. 107-116