Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 53 Number 6 2000
PH00039Neutral Currents in the 16 O Nucleus
Dan Mihailescu, Dan Mihailescu, Daniel Radu, Daniel Radu and Ovidiu Dumitrescu
pp. 751-766
PH00063Microscopic Model Analyses of the Elastic Scattering of 25, 30 and 40 MeV Protons from Targets of Diverse Mass
P. K. Deb, K. Amos and S. Karataglidis
pp. 767-784
PH00017Preparation of Motion Entangled Coherent States of Two Cavity Mirrors
Shi-Biao Zheng
pp. 793-798
PH00065Generation of Multicavity Entangled States with a Single Three-Level Atom
Shi-Biao Zheng
pp. 799-803
PH00066Acoustic Vibrational Properties and Fractal Bond Connectivity of Praseodymium Doped Glasses
H. B. Senin, H. A. A. Sidek and G. A. Saunders
pp. 805-820
PH00081Real Critical Current Density and Material Power Law of YBa2 Cu3 O7-d Epitaxial Thin Film
Lei Shan, Sahr Augustine Aruna, Xiao-Nong Xu, Zhi-He Wang and Xin Jin
pp. 821-828
PH00041Positron Lifetimes and Microhardness in Thermal Fatigued 4Cr5MoSiV Steel
C. Q. Tang, Z. C. Xia, X. Z. Li and B. T. Yao
pp. 829-834
PH00100The Didjeridu: Lip Motion and Low Frequency Harmonic Generation
Lloyd C. L. Hollenberg
pp. 835-850