Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 53 Number 5 2000
PH00048Electromagnetic and Gravitational Decay of the Higgs Boson
R. Delbourgo and Dongsheng Liu
pp. 647-651
PH00027Ro-vibrational Transition Energies and Absorption Intensities of the 1 A1 States of H2 O, He2 O2+ and He2 S2+
Sudarko, J. M. Hughes and E. I. von Nagy-Felsobuki
pp. 665-688
PH99094Optical Multistability from a Squeezed Vacuum in the Presence of Quantum Interference
Chunguang Du and Shiqun Li
pp. 689-696
PH00054Study of Strain Relaxation in InAs/GaAs Strained-layer Superlattices by Raman Spectroscopy and Electron Microscopy
A. K. Gutakovsky, S. M. Pintus, A. I . Toropov, N. T. Moshegov, V. A. Haisler, S. Rubanov and P. Munroe
pp. 697-705
PH00020Voltage Response of AC Susceptibility and Pinning Effects in Hg0.69 Pb0.31 Ba2 Ca2 Cu3 O8+δ
Y. L. Tang, L.J Shen, D. W. Lu, K.C Hung, X. Jin, X. X. Xuu, H. M. Shao, C. C. Lam, L. J. Shen and K. C. Hung
pp. 707-713
PH00049Effect of Interfaces on Dielectric Relaxation in La0.35 Sr0.6 MnO3 -YSZ
Xia Zheng-Cai, Tang Chao-Qun, Zhou Dong-Xiang and Yang Jian-Hui
pp. 715-721
PH00001Microwave Absorption in Layered Media: Application to Landmine Detection
J. A. Hermann
pp. 723-736