Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 50 Number 1 1997
Quarks, Hadrons and Nuclei
P96040Nonequilibrium Processes in Kaon Condensation
Takumi Muto, Toshitaka Tatsumi and Naoki Iwamoto
pp. 13-22
P96049Kaon Condensation and Dilepton Production from Strange Hadronic Matter
T. Tatsumi, H. Shin, T. Maruyama and H. Fujii
pp. 23-34
P96052A Study of the pB → Y K Reactions for Kaon Production in Heavy Ion Collisions
K. Tsushima, S. W. Huang and Amand Faessler
pp. 35-44
P96046Nuclear Correlation Effects in the Deep Inelastic Structure Function of 4 He
Hiko Morita and Toru Suzuki
pp. 53-60
P96048Spin Structure Functions of the Nucleon and Twist-3 Operators in QCD
Kazuhiro Tanaka
pp. 79-94
P96028Meson Spectrum from the Bethe-Salpeter Equation
C. J. Burden, L. Qian, C. D. Roberts, P. C. Tandy and M. J. Thomson
pp. 95-102
P96029Global Colour Model of QCD and Its Relationship to the NJL Model, Chiral Perturbation Theory and Other Models
Reginald T. Cahill and Susan M. Gunner
pp. 103-114
P96033Faddeev Approach to the Nucleon in the NJL model
N. Ishii, H. Asami, W. Bentz and K. Yazaki
pp. 123-130
P96034Nuclear Transparency in a Relativistic Quark Model
Akihisa Kohama, Tetsu Iwama and Koichi Yazak
pp. 131-138
P96042Structure Functions of Hadrons in the QCD Effective Theory
Takayuki Shigetani, Katsuhiko Suzuki and Hiroshi Toki
pp. 139-146
P96053Solving the Bethe–Salpeter Equation in Minkowski Space: Scalar Theories and Beyond
K. Kusaka, A. G. Williams and K. M. Simpson
pp. 147-154
P96036Structure Functions of the Nucleon in a Covariant Scalar Spectator Model
K. Kusaka, G. Piller, A. W. Thomas and A. G. Williams
pp. 173-186
P96047h-Meson Decays and Strong U A (1) Breaking in the Three-flavour Nambu–Jona-Lasinio Model
M. Takizawa, Y. Nemoto and M. Oka
pp. 187-198
P96051Chiral Symmetry Breaking in the Dual Ginzburg–Landau Theory
Hiroshi Toki, Shoichi Sasaki, Hiroko Ichie and Hideo Suganuma
pp. 199-204
P96039Hadron-Nucleon Scattering Lengths from QCD Sum Rules
Y. Kondo, O. Morimatsu and Y. Nishino
pp. 221-232
P96045Monopole Dominance for Nonperturbative QCD
H. Suganuma, S. Umisedo, S. Sasaki, H. Toki and O. Miyamura
pp. 233-244
P96027Signatures of Medium Effects on NN Interactions in Proton Scattering from Nuclei
K. Amos, P. J. Dortmans and S. Karataglidis
pp. 245-254