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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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Spectroscopic and Piezospectroscopic Studies of the Energy States of Boron in Silicon

RA Lewis, P Fisher and NA McLean

Australian Journal of Physics 47(3) 329 - 360
Published: 1994


The P3/2 optical absorption spectrum of boron impurity in silicon has been re-examined at high resolution. The precise transition energies measured agree with energies previously reported. In addition, energies for several previously unrecognised transitions are given as well as values for the absorption strengths and line widths. The measured transition energies and absorption strengths correlate very well with several recent calculations of binding energies and oscillator strengths, respectively. This excellent agreement between experiment and theory motivates a renumbering of the spectral lines which is not expected to require future modification. High-resolution piezospectroscopy of the P3/2 series has also been undertaken. Small stresses were used to minimise the effect of interactions and permit accurate determination of the deformation potential constants. The deformation potential constants are found to be in fair agreement with previous experimental values and good agreement with recent theory. Experimental values for several of these are given for the first time, as are isotropic deformation potential constants of several excited states relative to the ground state.

© CSIRO 1994

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