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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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Electronic Structure of the Principal Uranium Centre in Alkali Fluorides

WA Runciman, B Srinivasan and S Saebo

Australian Journal of Physics 39(4) 555 - 564
Published: 1986


Fluorescent centres are formed when hexavalent uranium is incorporated into lithium fluoride and sodium fluoride in an oxygen atmosphere. The principal centre is believed to consist of a UOsF group. Calculations have been made of the electronic structure of this centre assuming that the excited states are due to charge transfer transitions. Different models are considered and fitting procedures used to find parameters yielding good agreement with the energy levels and 9 values of the seven lowest excited states of the centre in sodium fluoride. A similar model is believed to be applicable to the principal centre in lithium fluoride.

© CSIRO 1986

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