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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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Enhancement of Parity Violation for Overlapping Nuclear Resonances

AM Awin

Australian Journal of Physics 39(2) 217 - 224
Published: 1986


Proton scattering from a medium weight nucleus and the possibility of finding tWQ resonances, with the same spin but opposite parity, overlapping is studied. As a guide to the experimental study of this possibility we have constructed a simple separable potential model involving spin ~-spin 0 scattering that contains the required resonances for adjacent I values in the absence of a parity-violating (PV) interaction. A phenomenological PV interaction is then introduced and the magnitude of the longitudinal asymmetry is studied as a function of the model parameters. It is found that the magnitude of the asymmetry is greatest at zero separation for the case of narrow resonance levels.

© CSIRO 1986

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