Molecular Dynamics of the Phase Transition in Compressible Ammonium Chloride
Sadhana Pandey and SK Trikha
Australian Journal of Physics
37(6) 667 - 674
Published: 1984
The effects of pressure on the dynamical behaviour of an NH: ion near the A transition under the influence of its nearest neighbours in ammonium chloride have been studied by using the computer simulation technique. The Lennard Jones (6-12) potential is used as the representative interaction between NH: and Cl-. The present calculations reveal a decrease in entropy of the system with increasing pressure. The libration frequency of the NH: ion is estimated to be approximately 170, 182 and 210 cm -1 at pressures of 1 atm, 3 and 10 kbar respectively, in agreement with the Raman spectrum study of NH4CI at high pressure (Ebisuzaki and Nicol 1969).
© CSIRO 1984