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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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Coulomb Excitation of the 2·615 MeV (3?) and 4.086 MeV (2+) States of 208Pb

WJ Vermeer, MT Esat, JA Kuehner, RH Spear, AM Baxter and S Hinds

Australian Journal of Physics 37(2) 123 - 136
Published: 1984


Coulomb excitation studies of the 2·615 MeV (3-) and 4·086 MeV (2+) states of 208Pb have been carried out using 12C and 160 projectiles at various energies and scattering angles. Results for the 3- state are: B(E3;O+~3-) = O'611±O'012e2b 3 ; and the static quadrupole moment Q3 - = - O·34± O·15 e b, which is larger in magnitude than most theoretical calculations. Results for the 2+ state imply that Q2+ = -0·7±0·3 eb if a value for B(E2;0+~2+) determined from electron scattering work is assumed.

© CSIRO 1984

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