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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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The Spectroscopy of 198O11 and the 187N11 Ground State

Raymond K Sheline

Australian Journal of Physics 36(6) 825 - 830
Published: 1983


The spectroscopies of 190 and 21 Ne (both eleven-neutron systems) are compared. The 1-+ [211 iJ, t+ [220il and t- [lOttl bands are observed in both nuclei. On the basis of these similarities 190 is assumed to be a prolate rotor like 21 Ne. If then the recently studied IBN ground state is also considered to be a deformed system (a one-proton hole in the 190 nucleus), both the 1- ground state spin and the sudden change in the systematics of the two-neutron binding energies can be understood.

© CSIRO 1983

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