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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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Thermal Expansion of Zinc Sulfide: 300?1300 K

RB Roberts, GK White and TM Sabine

Australian Journal of Physics 34(6) 701 - 706
Published: 1981


The thermal expansion of hot-pressed cubic polycrystalline zinc sulfide (Eastman Kodak: Irtran 2) was measured in a silica pushrod dilatometer. The coefficient of linear thermal expansion varies almost linearly from 6'9xlO- 6 K-l at 300K to lO'3xlO- 6 K-l at 1200K. The temperature variation of the Debye--Waller factor is calculated and compared with the experimental values found by Moss et al. (1980).

© CSIRO 1981

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