Matrix Elements of the Boltzmann Collision Operator in a Basis Determined by an Anisotropic Maxwellian Weight Function including Drift
Kailash Kumar
Australian Journal of Physics
33(2) 449 - 468
Published: 1980
The matrix elements of the linear Boltzmann collision operator are calculated in a Burnett-function basis determined by a weight function which itself describes a velocity distribution with a net drift and an anisotropic pressure (or temperature) tensor. Three different methods of calculation are described, leading to three different types of formulae. Two of these involve infinite summations, while the third involves only finite sums, but at the cost of greater complications in the summands and the integrals over cross sections. Both elastic and inelastic collisions are treated. Special cases arising from particular choices of the parameters in the weight functions are pointed out. The structure of the formulae is illustrated by means of diagrams. The work is a contribution towards establishing efficient methods of calculation based upon a better understanding of the matrix elements in such bases.
© CSIRO 1980