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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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Partial Wave Analysis of the l8O(p, a0)15N Reaction

LWJ Wild and BM Spicer

Australian Journal of Physics 32(3) 187 - 194
Published: 1979


A partial wave analysis of the differential cross sections for the 180(p,OCO)15N reaction has been carried out by applying the formalism of .Blatt and Biedenharn (1952), made specific for this reaction. The differential cross sections, measured at 200 keV intervals from 6·6 to 10·4 MeV bombarding energy, were subjected to least-squares fitting to this specific analytic expression. Two resonances were given by the analysis, the 19p states being at 14·71 ±0·07 MeV (1/2-) and 14·80±0·07 MeV (1/2 +).

© CSIRO 1979

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