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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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A Study of Solar Flare Continuum Events Observed at Metre Wavelengths

RD Robinson

Australian Journal of Physics 31(6) 533 - 546
Published: 1978


This paper presents observations and an interpretation of solar flare continuum radiaHon. Two types are distinguished: FCM which often precedes a moving type IV burst, and FCII which often follows a type II burst. Theoretical models are proposed for the two types of flare continuum event. For FCM events, the electrons are assumed to be injected into coronal arches, where they are confined by Coulomb scattering and wave-particle interactions. The radiation is due to either gyrosynchrotron or Langmuir wave processes. For FCII events, the electrons are assumed to be accelerated by large amplitude Alfvenic turbulence, the resultant radiation being caused by the conversion of Langmuir waves to electromagnetic radiation at the fundamental.

© CSIRO 1978

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