Angular Correlation Measurements in 33S
JR Southon, AR Poletti and DJ Beale
Australian Journal of Physics
30(1) 23 - 32
Published: 1977
The 32S(d, p) reaction has been used to excite states in 33S. Proton-gamma angular correlations for states up to 4·43 MeV in excitation energy have been measured to determine spins and y-ray branching and multipole mixing ratios. Results obtained for mixing ratios include 0(1· 97-+0) = 0'75±0'38, 0(2'93-+0) = 0·19±0·14 and 0(2'93-+1'97) = O·OO±O·04. Spin and parity assignments of 3/2 + and (1/2+, 3/2±) have been found for the 3· 94 and 4·43 MeV states respectively. Branching ratios have been determined for several previously unreported weak decays from high energy states.
© CSIRO 1977