A Study of Resonances in the 58Ni(p, ?)59Cu Reaction below 2·15 MeV
GU Din and AM Al-Naser
Australian Journal of Physics
28(5) 503 - 522
Published: 1975
The )I-ray spectra for seven resonances in the reaction s8Ni(p, )I)S9CU in the range Ep = 1400--2150 keV have been measured with a high resolution Ge(Li) detector. Consistent resonance decay schemes have been derived along with the decay schemes of bound levels. Decays to previously unreported bound levels at 2· 459, 2· 711 and 3· 025 MeV have been observed, while results significantly different from the earlier reports have been obtained for the decay of most of the bound levels. The reported level at 1· 865 MeV is confirmed. The decay schemes of the two resonances at Ep = 1424 and 1844 keV indicate that these are T = 3/2 analogue states associated with the levels at O' 880 and 1·301 MeV in s9Ni. A new value of Q = 3'415±0'OO3 MeV for the reaction S8Ni(p, )I)59CU was derived from the Ge(Li) spectra.https://doi.org/10.1071/PH750503
© CSIRO 1975