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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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Accurate Flux Densities at 8·87 GHz of 195 Radio Sources

AJ Shimmins and JV Wall

Australian Journal of Physics 26(1) 93 - 110
Published: 1973


Accurate flux densities at 8·87 GHz have been determined with the Parkes 64 m telescope for 195 radio sources, using an on-off integration method. The sources were selected from the Parkes 408 and 2700 MHz catalogues as those having estimated flux densities at 8·87 GHz greater than O' 5 f.u. and relatively small angular sizes. Eighty of the selected sources are identified with QSO's, 40 with galaxies, and one with an HII region, while 74 have not been identified. The estimated accuracy of the flux density is ±0·02 f.u. (r.m.s.) due to system noise and ±3'5% due to other causes. A list of known or newly suspected radio variables in the sample is given.

© CSIRO 1973

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