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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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Fine Structure in the Spectra of Solar Radio Bursts

GRA Ellis

Australian Journal of Physics 22(2) 177 - 188
Published: 1969


Observations are described of solar radio burst spectra in the frequency range 25-100 MHz with a time resolution of 0·02 sec. The types of bursts that were observed included (1) fast drift storm bursts with a mean frequency-time slope of 1·9 MHzsec-1, a mean bandwidth !!.f'"-' 0·03 MHz, and a mean duration !!.T of 0·6sec; (2) drift pair bursts with dffdt = 1·2MHzsec-1 and !!.f= 0·45 MHz; and (3) split pair bursts with dffdt = 0·08 MHzsec-1, !!.f = 0·05 MHz, and !!.T = 1·4 sec. In addition, chains of split bursts were frequently observed, the chain resembling a type I burst with fine structure.

© CSIRO 1969

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