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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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The Linear Polarization of Radiation from Jupiter at 6 cm Wavelength

D Morris, JB Whiteoak and F Tonking

Australian Journal of Physics 21(3) 337 - 340
Published: 1968


At a wavelength of 6 cm the degree of linear polarization of the radiation from Jupiter is 0·076±0·002. The variation of the direction of polarization with longitude of the central meridian is consistent with the increased period of rotation determined by Komesaroff and McCulloch (1967). There is evidence of an asymmetricl beaming of the nonthermal radiation with longitude in addition to the latitude asymmetry that was detected previously by Roberts and Komesaroff (1965). The mean flux density normalized to a distance of 4·04 a.u. is 1O·7±0·2 f.u. The small nonthermal contribution (3'7 f.u.) is further evidence for a high frequency cutoff in the synchrotron radiation; the thermal component corresponds to a brightness temperature of about 250oK.

© CSIRO 1968

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