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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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Relative Intensity of the 17·2 and 14·3 MeV Gamma Rays from the 7Li(p,G)8Be Reaction

B Mainsbridge

Australian Journal of Physics 13(2) 204 - 208
Published: 1960


Radiation from proton capture in 7Li is known to consist of two principal components of energy (17·2+~.Ep) and (14'3+~Ep)MeV, corresponding to transitions to the ground state and first excited state of sBe respectively (Walker and McDaniel 1948). Resonances in the reaction are known to exist at Ep=441 keY, 1·03 and 2·1 MeV (Bonner and Evans 1948; Kraus 1954; Price 1954) and the relative intensity of the two y-rays is known to vary in the neighbourhood of the 441 keY resonance (Campbell 1956). It is not known if the intensity ratio varies in the region of the 1030 keY resonance and this experiment was designed to repeat the measurements of Campbell and extend the investigation to the higher resonance.

© CSIRO 1960

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