Spins and Parities of Levels of 9Be Below 15 MeV
HH Thies and BM Spicer
Australian Journal of Physics
12(3) 293 - 296
Published: 1959
In a recent study of the cross section of the reaction 9Be(y,n) (Thies, Spicer, and Baglin 1959), distinct maxima were observed at 11·25 and 13 ·25 MeV. The maximum at 11·25 MeV was identified with the known level at 11·3 MeV and the 13 ·25 MeV maximum was attributed to absorption by one level at that energy. The nearly equal widths of the 11·25 and 13 ·25 MeV peaks justify this assumption. These peaks were attributed to M1 or E1 absorption by Thies, Spicer, and Baglin (1959).https://doi.org/10.1071/PH590293
© CSIRO 1959