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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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Finite Rest Masses of Wave Quanta in Material Media

KD Cole
24(4) pp.871 - 880

8 articles found in Crossref database.

On the analogy between a wave packet of quasi-monochromatic plasma waves and a particle in a gravitational field
Petržílka V. A.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. 1974 24(5). p.522
On the radiation pressure of electromagnetic wave packets in nondispersive fluid dielectrics
Klíma R, Petržílka V.A
Annals of Physics. 1975 92(2). p.395
Interaction of Photons with Electrons in Dielectric Media
Novak Miroslav M.
Fortschritte der Physik. 1980 28(6). p.285
Comment on the letter “on the dispersion of electromagnetic waves in interstellar space” by A.R. Lee
Cole K.D.
Physics Letters A. 1972 39(4). p.278
Colloquium: Momentum of an electromagnetic wave in dielectric media
Pfeifer Robert N. C., Nieminen Timo A., Heckenberg Norman R., Rubinsztein-Dunlop Halina
Reviews of Modern Physics. 2007 79(4). p.1197
Rest-masses of wave quanta
Cole K.D.
Physics Letters A. 1972 41(4). p.325
On the rest mass of the photon — A reply to K.D. Cole
Lee A.R.
Physics Letters A. 1972 41(4). p.323
On the mass of a wave packet in plasma
Klíma R., Petržílka V. A.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. 1973 23(11). p.1196
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