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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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Ionospheric Reflections from Heights Below the E Region

JB Gregory
9(3) pp.324 - 342

36 articles found in Crossref database.

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Gregory John B.
Journal of Geophysical Research. 1961 66(2). p.429
The stratification of the lower ionosphere
Titheridge J.E.
Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics. 1962 24(4). p.283
The effects of geomagnetic disturbances and atmospheric tides upon middle atmosphere winds and MF radar scatter at Saskatoon (52°N, 107°W, 61° geomagnetic)
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The antecedents and subsequent development of scientific radar in New Zealand
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Reid Iain Murray
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The relationship of low-height ionosonde echoes to auroral-zone absorption and VHF D scatter
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An investigation of the ionospheric D-region
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Structure of partially reflecting regions in the lower ionosphere
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The Present State of Knowledge concerning the Lower Ionosphere
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The absorption of short radio waves in the D-, E- and f-regions of the ionosphere
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The relation of forward scattering of very high frequency radio waves to partial reflection of medium frequency waves at vertical incidence
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