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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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Lunar Tide in Sporadic E at Brisbane

JA Thomas and AC Svenson
8(4) pp.554 - 556

11 articles found in Crossref database.

Experimental investigations of the ionospheric E-layer
Robinson B J
Reports on Progress in Physics. 1959 22(1). p.241
Lunar tides in the sporadic E-layer at Ibadan
Weight R.W., Skinner N.J.
Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics. 1959 13(3-4). p.217
Production and prediction of sporadic E
Whitehead J. D.
Reviews of Geophysics. 1970 8(1). p.65
Ionospheric Sporadic (1962)
List of recent publications
Scott W. E.
Journal of Geophysical Research. 1956 61(2). p.310
E- and F-region variations near periods of 27 and 15 days at Washington, D.C.
Noonkester V.R.
Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics. 1965 27(5). p.605
A survey of the present knowledge of sporadic-E ionization
Thomas J.A., Smith E.K.
Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics. 1959 13(3-4). p.295
Geophysik III / Geophysics III (1967)
Matsushita Sadami
Lunar Influences on Sporadic E
Tarpley J. D., Matsushita S.
Radio Science. 1972 7(3). p.411
Lunar tidal oscillations in the horizontal ionospheric drift at the equator
Misra R.K.
Planetary and Space Science. 1973 21(7). p.1109
Experimental observations of the amplitudes of Es and F-region reflections and their comparison with the thin-layer model for Es
Chessell C.I, Thomas J.A, Bourne I.A
Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics. 1973 35(3). p.545
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