Pacific Conservation Biology
Volume 18 Number 4 2012
PC120227Impacts of tourism on threatened species in the Pacific region: a review.
Clare Morrison
pp. 227-238
PC120240The North West Cape, Western Australia: A Potential Hotspot for Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins Sousa chinensis?
Alex Brown, Lars Bejder, Daniele Cagnazzi, Guido J Parra and Simon J Allen
pp. 240-246
PC120247Identification of a resident community of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) in the Swan Canning Riverpark, Western Australia, using behavioural information.
Delphine Chabanne, Hugh Finn, Chandra Salgado-Kent and Lars Bedjer
pp. 247-262
PC120263Factors influencing early restoration progress of a Eucalyptus tereticornis open forest on former agricultural land.
Tom Lewis, David Taylor, Scott Swift and Valerie Debuse
pp. 263-281
PC120282Are vegetation interfaces important to foraging insectivorous bats in endangered coastal saltmarsh on the Central Coast of New South Wales?
Leroy Gonsalves, Bradley Law, Cameron Webb and Vaughan Monamy
pp. 282-292
PC120293Videographic evidence of endangered species depredation by feral cat.
Seth Judge, Jill S Lippert, Kathleen Misajon, Darcy Hu and Steven C Hess
pp. 293-296
PC120297Predicting trends in humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) abundance using citizen science
Nicolo Tonachella, Aurora Nastasi, Gregory Kaufman, Daniela Maldini and Robert William Rankin
pp. 297-309
PC120310The efficacy of soil ameliorants to improve early establishment in trees and shrubs in degraded Eucalyptus gomphocephala woodlands
Katinka X Ruthrof, Tegan K Douglas, Michael C Calver, Michael D Craig, Bernard Dell and Giles E ST J Hardy
pp. 310-318
PC120319Species adaptation to both fire and climate change in tropical montane heath: Can Melaleuca uxorum (Myrtaceae) survive?
Andrew J Ford and Britta Denise Hardesty
pp. 319-324