Pacific Conservation Biology
Volume 20 Number 1 2014
PC140003Compromising for conservation: a protocol for developing sustainable conservation plansin biologically rich and monetarily impoverished communities.
Mochamad Indrawan, Stephen T Garnett, Yunus Masala and Roland Wirth
pp. 3-7
PC140008Twenty years of seagrass networking and advancing seagrass science: The International Seagrass Biology Workshop Series.
Rob Coles, Fred Short, Miguel Fortes and John Kuo
pp. 8-16
PC140017How to write a paper for successful publication in an international peer-reviewed journal.
Gunther Tress, Barbel Tress and Denis A Saunders
pp. 17-24
PC140017 Abstract | PC140017PDF (356 KB) Open Access Article
PC140028Euthanizing wildlife: experiences and coping strategies among people who conduct euthanasia.
Erich Von Dietze and Dianne Gardner
pp. 28-36
PC140037No evidence for Galapagos Plasmodium lineage arriving via Humboldt Current seabirds.
Iris I Levin, Michael J Adkesson, Maranda Evans, Cindee K Rettke and Patricia G Parker
pp. 37-40
PC140041Hybridization between the Mallard and native dabbling ducks: causes, consequences and management.
P-J Guay, A Taysom, R Robinson and J P Tracey
pp. 41-47
PC140054How much land is needed for feral pig hunting in Hawai‘i?
Steven C Hess and James D Jocobi
pp. 54-56
PC140057Guidelines for ecological burning regimes in Mediterranean ecosystems: a case study in Banksia woodlands in Western Australia.
Barbara A Wilson , Janine Kuehs, Leonie E Valentine, Tracy Sonneman and Kristen M Wolfe
pp. 57-74
PC140075Indicators of coral reef ecosystem recovery following reduction in logging and implementation of community-based management schemes in the Solomon Islands.
S Albert, A Grinham, B Gibbes, I Tibbetts and J udy
pp. 75-85
PC140086Major histocompatibility I gene diversity in the critically endangered Laysan duck (Anas laysanensis).
Philip Lavretsky, Andrew Engilis Jr and Jefferey L Peters
pp. 86-93
PC140094Preliminary re-survey of the land snail fauna of Rotuma: conservation and biosecurity implications.
Gilianne Brodie, Gary M Barker, Froseann Stevens and Monifa Fiu
pp. 94-107
PC140094 Abstract | PC140094PDF (389 KB) Open Access Article
PC140108Are wild rodents attracted to lure laboratory rats?
A C Gsell, M N H Seabrook-Davison and D H Brunton
pp. 108-115
PC140116Collation and review of sightings and distribution of three coastal dolphin species in waters of the Northern Territory, Australia.
Carol Palmer, Guido J Parra, Tracey Rogers and John Woinarski
pp. 116-125
PC140126Discovery of Australia’s Fishes: A History of Australian Ichthyology to 1930.
Graham R Fulton
pp. 126-126