Pacific Conservation Biology
Volume 14 Number 4 2008
PC080233Why are we still using a ?one size fits all? philosophy for systematic reserve planning in Australia?
James Watson, Richard A. Fuller and Lissa Barr
pp. 233-241
PC080235Thirty years later, should we be more concerned for the ongoing invasion of Mozambique Tilapia in Australia?
Robert G. Doupé and Damien W. Burrows
pp. 235-238
PC080242Rock anchoring in Karimun Jawa, Indonesia: Ecological impacts and management implications
J. A. Maynard, K. R. N. Anthony, S. Afatta, L. F. Anggraini, D. Haryanti and A Ambariyanto
pp. 242-243
PC080244What Role Do Threatened Species Lists Play in New Zealand Conservation?
Joanne Ocock
pp. 244-245
PC080248An Indigenous-led Community Challenge to Fisheries Management in New Zealand: the Revival of Regional Scale Management Practices?
Adele L.H. Whyte, James J. Bell, Kristina M. Ramstad and Jonathan P. A. Gardner
pp. 248-249
PC080250Ecosystem conservation in multi-tenure reserve networks: the contribution of land outside of publicly protected areas
James A. Fitzsimons and Geoff Wescott
pp. 250-262
PC080263Bushfire and the Malthusian guillotine: survival of small mammals in a refuge in Nadgee Nature Reserve, south-eastern New South Wales
Daniel Lunney, H. W. M. Lunney and H. F. Recher
pp. 263-278
PC080279Towards restoration of Hawaiian tropical dry forests: the Kaupulehu outplanting programme
Susan Cordell, Moana McClellan, Yvonne Yarber Carter and Lisa J. Hadway
pp. 279-284
PC080285Pacific Conservation Biology: an authorship and citation analysis
M. C. Calver and K. A. Bryant
pp. 285-303